The series consisted of unrelated episodes depicting paranormal, futuristic, dystopian, or simply disturbing events; each show typically featured a surprising plot twist and usually ended with some sort of message. Throughout the music video, I wanted references to the twilight zone, especially in the introduction to the song. After watching this intro:
I came up with an idea with how I was going to incorporate this. I would use the spinning door from the original footage, and from this, I would display my shot footage of the scene. It would seamlessly join together to make the original footage and my footage blend in smoothly and look like its there. I would use this technique using adobe after effects.
Next I decided to look at the lyrics and break them down; giving me more of an idea of how I want my video to be. after breaking down and analysing the lyrics, I managed to construct every shot and scene I would use in my music video. These were my results:
Xv Rabbit Hole Lyrics